



第二部分 语言知识运用



21. A. kite B. fish C. milk


22. A. rubbish B. study C. reduce


23. A. warm B. large C. dark


24. A. foot B. book C. blood


25. A.chocolate B.chemistry C.choose



26. Rivers low, mountains high;The same moon in _________sky.

A. a

B. /

C. the


【解析】本题考查固定搭配。a为不定冠词,表泛指的单数物品或者人;in the sky意为“在天空中”,为固定用法,符合题意。故答案为C。句意:山川异域,风月同天。

27. Eight members of a Chinese team arrived _________the top of Mount Qomolangma successfully.

A. in

B. at

C. to


【解析】本题考查介词辨析。in +(大)地点,表示“在某地”;at +(小)地点,表示“在某地”;to +地点,表示“去某地”。根据“successfully”(成功地),可推知此处表示“成功到达珠穆朗玛峰的顶点”;同时,根据空格后的地点“the top of Mount Qomolangma”(珠穆朗玛峰顶),可知空格处的介词后接的是一个小地点。故答案为B。句意:一支中国队伍中的八名成员成功地抵达了珠穆朗玛峰的顶点。

28. Uncle Liang has a great collection of _________watches.

A. enjoyable

B. valuable

C. comfortable



29. Mr Huang is an excellent English teacher who has over 20 years’ teaching _________.

A. experience

B. information

C. knowledge


【解析】本题考查名词辨析。experience意为“经验”;information意为“信息”;knowledge意为“知识”。根据“an excellent English teacher”(一位优秀的英语教师),可推知此处表示他有20多年的教学经验。故答案为A。句意:黄先生是一位优秀的英语教师,他有着20多年的教学经验。

30. Although it is raining _________, the policemen are still on duty in the street.

A. clearly

B. directly

C. heavily


【解析】本题考查副词辨析。clearly意为“清楚地,明确地”;directly意为“直接地”;heavily意为“在很大程度上;严重地”。on duty意为“当值”,根据although可知前后语句存在转折关系,由此推知前半句表示“尽管雨下得很大”。故答案为C。句意:尽管雨下得很大,警察仍然在街上当值。

31. Frank and his friends had great fun _________volleyball on the beach yesterday.

A. play

B. playing

C. to play


【解析】本题考查固定搭配。have fun doing sth 意为“做某事是有乐趣的”,为固定用法。故答案为B。句意:弗兰克和他的朋友昨天在海滩上打排球打得很开心。

32. Eric often _________ his aunt before he moved to the city.

A. has visited

B. visits

C. visited



33. — Is this dictionary _________?

— No, it isn’t. I left my dictionary at home.

A. your

B. yours

C. yourself


【解析】本题考查词义辨析。your意为“你的”,形容词性物主代词,其后接名词;yours意为“你的(某人/某物)”,名词性物主代词,其后无需接名词;yourself意为“你自己;你们自己”,反身代词。因为此处空格后没有名词,同时根据句意可知,此处表示“你的字典”,应用名词性物主代词。故答案为B。句意:— 这是你的字典吗?— 不,它不是。我的字典落在家里了。

34. Joey and Marina have lived a happy life since they _________.

A. got hurt

B. got lost

C. got married


【解析】本题考查短语辨析。get hurt意为“受伤”;get lost意为“迷路”;get married意为“结婚”。根据“have lived a happy life”(已经过着幸福的生活),可推知空格处应是好的一面,即“结婚”。故答案为C。句意:乔伊和玛丽娜自从结婚后就过着幸福的生活。

35. — Lucy, what’s your father doing right now?

— _________. He is just watching a football game on TV.

A. Nothing much

B. No problem

C. Never mind


【解析】本题考查短语辨析。nothing much意为“没什么”;no problem意为“没问题”;never mind意为“没关系”。根据后半句“He is just watching a football game on TV.”(他只是正在看一场电视上的足球比赛),可推知此处表示“没什么”。故答案为A。句意:— 露西,你爸爸现在正在做什么?— 没什么。他只是正在看一场电视上的足球比赛。

36.— _________ is it from Haikou to Sanya?

— It’s about three hours’ drive.

A. How soon

B. How long

C. How far


【解析】本题考查疑问短语辨析。how soon意为“多久(之后)”,一般用于“in +(将来的一段时间)”的结构的回答;how long意为“多长时间”;how far意为“多远”。根据答句“It’s about three hours’ drive.”(开车大约需要三小时),可知问句询问的是距离。故答案为C。句意:— 从海口到三亚有多远?— 开车大约需要三小时。

37. President Xi encourages all Chinese people to plant trees _________ our country can be greener and more beautiful.

A. so that

B. as long as

C. even though


【解析】本题考查短语辨析。so that意为“因此,以便”;as long as意为“只要”;even though意为“即使”。根据常识可知植树造林可以使环境变得更加美丽。故答案为A。句意:习近平主席鼓励所有中国人植树,这样我们的国家会变得更加绿化、更加美丽。

38. Many successful businessmen _________ to Hainan to give advice on how to build Hainan Free Trade Port.

A. invite

B. are invited

C. are inviting



39. — Look,that is Tower bridge!

— Wow, _________ great bridge it is!

A. what

B. how

C. what a


【解析】本题考查感叹句句式。“what + a/an + adj +单数可数名词+主语+谓语!”和“How + adj + a/an +单数可数名词+主语+谓语!”两者均为感叹句常用句式。bridge意为“桥梁”,单数可数名词,其前应用a进行修饰。故答案为C。句意:— 看,那是伦敦塔桥!— 哇,多漂亮的一座桥啊!

40. — Excuse me, could you please tell me _________?

— It’s not far from here. I can walk with you.

A. how can I get to Xinhua Bookstore

B. how I can get to Xinhua Bookstore

C. how could I get to Xinhua Bookstore


【解析】本题考查宾语从句的陈述句语序。tell sb sth 意为“告诉某人某事”,sb 和sth 均为tell的宾语,由此可知空格处为宾语从句,应用陈述句语序。故答案为B。句意:— 打扰一下,可以请您告诉我怎样去新华书店吗?— 它离这儿不远。我可以和你一起走。



Dear daddy,

How’s everything going? It has been so many days since you went to Wuhan. Do you still remember the41 before you left? You looked worried, and I saw the luggage (行李) in your bedroom. I asked you, “Are you going to leave42 ?” You smiled and put your hand on my head saying, “I’m just tidying up some clothes.”

Later that night, I learned that you and mom had asked to be sent to Wuhan and were waiting for a43 . At that moment, I really hoped that44 of you would get the call.45 , your phone still rang. I almost cried out in fear as if I were going to Wuhan myself.

The next morning, I got up46 . During the breakfast, you smiled and asked me if I would miss you. I pretended(假装) it was no big deal and said, “I47 send you a message whenever I miss you.”

You left even before the sun rose. I waved(挥手)to you until I couldn’t see you any more. And my eyes were filled with48 . I later realized it was Lantern Festival. I wrote down “Waiting for you to49 ” in my notebook. I knew the people of Wuhan needed you more than I did.

At night, Mom sent me some photos. I found you in the photos at once, “Hey, this is my daddy!”I was so50 of you!

Daddy, we all miss you. I love you, forever and ever.



41. A. day B. month C. year

42. A. on vacation B. on business C. for pleasure

43. A. letter B. ticket C. call

44. A. either B. neither C. both

45. A. Besides B. Also C. However

46. A. slowly B. early C. happily

47. A. can B. must C. should

48. A. surprises B. smiles C. tears

49. A. go away B. come back C. work out

50. A. tired B. afraid C. proud









42.本题考查短语辨析。on vacation意为“度假”;on business意为“出差,因公”;for pleasure意为“游玩”。根据前一句的“You looked worried”(你看上去很担心),可推知此处应是不太轻松的事情。故选B。句意:你是要出差吗?

43.本题考查名词辨析。letter意为“信”;ticket意为“票”;call意为“电话”。根据后一句的“your phone still rang”(你的电话还是响了),可知此处表示“等待一个电话”。故选C。句意:那天晚上,我知道你和妈妈已经请求前往武汉,正在等待一个电话。

44.本题考查词义辨析。either意为“(两者中)任意一个”;neither意为“(两者)都不”;both意为“(两者)都”。根据后一句“I almost cried out in fear as if I were going to Wuhan myself.”(我几乎害怕的哭出来,就好像是我自己要去武汉一样),可推知“我”不希望爸爸妈妈前往武汉,此处表示两者都不。故选B。句意:在那时,我真的希望你们两个都不会接到电话。

45.本题考查副词辨析。besides意为“除此以外”;also意为“也”;however意为“然而”。根据前一句“I really hoped that neither of you would get the call.”可知“我”不希望爸妈接到电话;同时根据空格后的“your phone still rang”可知电话还是响了,由此可知前后语句之间存在转折关系。故选C。句意:但是,你的电话还是响了。

46.本题考查副词辨析。slowly意为“缓慢地”;early意为“早地”;happily意为“开心地”。根据第四段第一句“You left even before the sun rose.”(你甚至在太阳升起之前就离开了。)可知爸爸走的很早,由此推知第二天“我”起得很早。故选B。句意:第二天早晨,我起得很早。

47.本题考查情态动词辨析。can意为“可以”;must意为“必须”;should意为“应该”。send you a message意为“给你发信息”,根据常识可知想念爸爸时给对方发信息是可以做的一件事情。故选A。句意:当我想你时,我可以给你发信息。

48.本题考查名词辨析。surprise意为“惊喜”;smile意为“微笑”;tear意为“眼泪”。根据前一句“I waved (挥手) to you until I couldn’t see you any more.”(我向你挥手,直到我再也看不见你。)可知“我”非常不舍得爸爸离开,由此推知“我”的双眼满含泪水。故选C。句意:我的眼睛里都是泪水。

49.本题考查短语辨析。go away意为“离开”;come back意为“回来”;work out意为“想出,解决”。根据本句的waiting,即“等待”,可知此处表示女儿等待爸爸归来。故选B。句意:我在我的笔记本上写下“等你回来”。


第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分35分)




Arguments(争吵) between teenagers and parents can be a problem and should be taken seriously.

• A few examples of the arguments


• Some results of a survey

About 18% of the kids talk to their parents when they have problems.

Over 50% of the kids think their parents don’t understand them.

Almost 50% of the parents talk to their children only about school.

• Some suggestions from experts

Communicate with your kids in a friendly way.

Encourage kids to share their feelings with you.

Take part in different activities together with kids.

51. Ben’s parent isn’t happy with Ben being friends with ______.

A. Mike

B. Grace

C. Jack

52. Grace’s mother thinks playing computer games is ______.

A. interesting

B. relaxing

C. meaningless

53. Jack didn’t do well in physics because ______.

A. he often plays with Mike

B. he thinks it’s too hard for him

C. he plays computer games too much

54. From the survey of the passage, we can know that ______.

A. none of the kids think their parents understand them

B. most parents talk to their children only about school

C. a few kids talk to their parents when they have problems

55. The suggestions are for ______.

A. parents

B. teachers

C. students








51.细节理解题。根据表格第一版块第一、二句“Mike is always making trouble in school. You’d better keep away from him.”(麦克在学校总是惹麻烦。你最好离他远点。)可知,本的父母不希望本和麦克做朋友。故选A。

52.细节理解题。根据表格第二板块第二句“You should do something meaningful.”(你应该做一些有意义的事。)可推知格瑞斯的妈妈认为玩电脑游戏是没有意义的。故选C。

53.细节理解题。根据表格第三部分第三、四句“I did study hard. But it’s just too difficult for me.”(我真的有努力学习。但对我来说太难了。)可知杰克物理不好是因为这门学科对他来说很难。故选B。

54.细节理解题。根据表格下方第二行“About 18% of the kids talk to their parents when they have problems.(大约18%的孩子在他们遇到问题时会和父母交谈。)由此可知只有很少的孩子会和父母谈论遇到的问题。故选C。

55.细节理解题。parent意为“父母”;teacher意为“老师”;student意为“学生”。根据suggestions的第一条“Communicate with your kids in a friendly way.”(以一种友善的方式和孩子交流),可知建议是专家向父母提出的。故选A。


There was a young painter who made a living by painting portraits(肖像). One day, a rich man asked him to paint a portrait for him and promised to pay him 10,000 dollars.

After a week, the rich man came to take the painting, but he was not pleased with it. He told the young painter, “I will only pay 3,000 dollars for this painting”.

The young painter was angry. He argued with the rich man, hoping the rich man would keep his word.

The rich man thought, “The man in the painting is me. If I don’t buy this painting, no one else will buy it.”So he said, “I will ask you one last time: will you sell it for 3,000 dollars?”

The young painter said firmly(坚定地), “No. This is a shame for me! I would prefer not to sell it, rather than behumiliatedby you. Someday, you will pay 20 times the cost for breaking your promise.”

After that, the painter worked hard day and night. Finally, he became well-known in the art world.

The rich man forgot about the artist and what he had told him. But one day, some friends told him, “There is a painting selling for 200,000 dollars and the man in the painting looks exactly like you. It has a name of “Thief(贼)”.

Then, the rich man remembered the artist. He quickly went to say sorry and paid 200,000 dollars to buy the portrait. The young painter made the rich man lower his head in the end.

56. The rich man would only pay 3,000 dollars for the painting because ______.

A. he didn’t have 10.000 dollars

B. he wasn’t very satisfied with it

C. he thought others would buy it

57. The painter became famous by______.

A. working hard

B. making friends

C. making a lot of money

58. The underlined word “humiliated”means “______”in Chinese.




59. The man in the painting with the name “Thief”is ______.

A. the artist

B. the rich man

C. the rich man’s friend

60. What happened at the end of the story?

A. The rich man kept his promise

B. The rich man fought with the painter

C. The rich man was punished by the painter








56.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“After a week, the rich man came to take the painting, but he was not pleased with it.”可知,一周后,当富人来拿画时,他对肖像图并不满意。由此可知富人只愿意支付3000美元是因为不满意肖像图。故选B。

57.细节理解题。根据文章第六段“After that, the painter worked hard day and night. Finally, he became well-known in the art world.”可知,自那以后,这位画家日以继夜地努力工作,最终成为了世界著名的画家。由此可知画家因为努力而变得出名。故选A。

58.细节理解题。根据第五段第一句的“No. This is a shame for me!”可知,画家认为3000美元买走他画的肖像图对他来说是一种耻辱,由此推知画线单词意为“羞辱”。故选C。

59.细节理解题。根据第七段最后两句“There is a painting selling for 200,000 dollars and the man in the painting looks exactly like you. It has a name of “Thief (贼)”.”可知是这位富人的朋友告诉他,有一副定价200,000美元的画作正在出售,画上的人和富人长得非常像,画作名字为“贼”。由此可知这幅画上的主人公是这位富人。故选B。

60.细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“The young painter made the rich man lower his head in the end.”可知这位画家最终还是让富人低头了,由此可知富人最终还是被画家惩罚了。故选C。



The traditional Chinese calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural(农业的) production. But solar term culture is still useful today to guide people’s lives through cultural activities and special foods that go with each term.

Great Heat, the 12th solar term of the year, begins this year on July 22 and ends on August 6. During Great Heat, most parts of China enter the hottest season of the year. Here is something you should know about Great Heat.

Great Heat is a season of harvesting(收割). During this time, the sunshine, high temperatures, and heavy rainfall are good for the plants. But many natural disasters also happen. So, it’s important to harvest and plant in time.

Sending the Great Heat ship is a tradition in Taizhou. The ship is full of all kinds of meat. More than 50 fishermen take turns carrying the ship as they walk through the streets. The ship will finally be pulled out of the port and burned at sea. People believe that is a symbol of good harvests and health.

Great Heat is a season with most crickets(蟋蟀) in the countryside. Cricket fighting is popular game for some people in China during this period. The custom dates back over 1,000 years ago.

People in different places enjoy different food. For example, in southern Shandong, people would like to drink mutton soup. Grass jelly is very popular in Guangdong because there is a saying “Eating grass jelly in Great Heat will make you stay young.”

61. Ancient Chinese people created 24 solar terms to ______.

A. keep a healthy life

B. serve different food

C. help farming

62. Great Heat lasts for ______days this year.

A. 6

B. 16

C. 22

63 In Taizhou, people send the great Heat ship ______.

A. just for fun

B. to get exercise

C. with good wishes

64. According to the passage, ______.

A. Great Heat is an important time to harvest and plant

B. cricket fighting games are getting popular in China now

C. people in Guangdong enjoy mutton soup during Great Heat

65. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? (P=Paragraph)









61.细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural (农业的) production.”可知在中国,人们在数千年前创造24个节气是为了指导农业生产。help farming意为“帮助耕作”,符合题意。故选C。

62.数字计算题。根据第二段第一句“Great Heat, the 12th solar term of the year, begins this year on July 22 and ends on August 6.”可知大暑作为一年中的第12个节气,从7月22日开始,到8月6日结束。由此可知大暑一共有16天。故选B。

63.细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“People believe that is a symbol of good harvests and health.”可知人们相信将盛满各种肉的大暑船只放入河中是丰收和健康的象征。由此推知台州人流放船只是为了美好的祝愿。故选C。

64.细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“So, it’s important to harvest and plant in time.”可知大暑是收获和种植的重要时节。故选A。




A: Hello, Hainan Chicken Rice Restaurant.66

B: I’d like to order a takeout(外卖), please.

A: Sure.

B: I’d like a sliced chicken rice, please.

A: OK. Would you like some soup?67

B: What kind of soup do you have?

A: Tomato and egg soup, salty vegetable soup and tofu soup.

B: All right, then I would like a bowl of tomato and egg soup.

A: Well, a bowl of tomato and egg soup. Anything else?

B: Er, a cup of Cola, please.68

A: One sliced chicken rice is 20 yuan and one cup of cola is 4 yuan. Is that all?

B: Yes, that’s all.


B: No.7 Ziyuan Road. And my phone number is 3 130 7622. How soon can I get them?


B: That’s fine. Thank you.



第四部分 书面表达(共三大题,满分35分)




Zoology is everything about animals. And people who study it are called zoologists. They want to learn about the difference between different kinds of animals, where they come from, and how they live.

What do zoologists do?

There are many different kinds of zoologists. Some try to learn everything about one animal, and some learn about a group of animals,some try to understand where new kinds of animals come from and other zoologists are interested in how animals can get sick. Many zoologists study what animals do when they are with other animals.

A famous zoologist

Charles Darwin is probably the most famous zoologist. He showed that animals are all one big family and that every kind of animal changes slowly to match the place where they live. This is called “evolution(进化)”. During his life, people laughed at Darwin, saying that people and animals couldn’t come from the same family.However,many zoologists today agree that Darwin was right.

Why is it important?

Understanding animals is important because people are animals. When we study animals, we learn about ourselves.

Do you know?

• Frogs can breathe(呼吸) without their mouths! When frogs are not in water, their bodies can take air through their skin.

• Some people say sharks never get sick, butthatis not true. Sharks get sick, just like any other animal.

71. What kind of people are called zoologists?(根据短文内容回答问题)

72. How many kinds of zoologists are mentioned(提到) in paragraph2?(根据短文内容回答问题)

73. Why is it important to study animals’?(根据短文内容回答问题)

74. In the passage, the underlined word “that”refers to(指) “_______”

75. Which sentence in paragraph 3 shows people’s attitude(态度) towards Darwin when he was alive?(按要求在短文中找到并写出该句)______________________________


71.People who study zoology are called zoologists


73.Because when we study animals, we learn about ourselves

74.sharks never get sick

75.During his life, people laughed at Darwin, saying that people and animals couldn’t come from the same family






71.根据第二段第二、三句“Some try to learn everything about one animal, and some learn about a group of animals, some try to understand where new kinds of animals come from and other zoologists are interested in how animals can get sick. Many zoologists study what animals do when they are with other animals.”可知,有些动物学家研究一种动物的所有事项;有些动物学家研究一群动物;有些动物学家尝试去理解新物种动物的来源地;还有些动物学家对动物如何生病感兴趣。很多动物学家会研究动物如何和其他动物相处。综上可知动物学家是研究动物学的人。

72.根据第二段第二、三句“Some try to learn everything about one animal, and some learn about a group of animals, some try to understand where new kinds of animals come from and other zoologists are interested in how animals can get sick. Many zoologists study what animals do when they are with other animals.”可知,有些动物学家研究一种动物的所有事项;有些动物学家研究一群动物;有些动物学家尝试去理解新物种的动物的来源地;还有些动物学家对动物如何生病感兴趣。很多动物学家会研究动物如何和其他动物相处。由此可知第二段一共描述了五种类型的动物学家。

73.根据第四段“Understanding animals is important because people are animals. When we study animals, we learn about ourselves.”可知理解动物是非常重要的,因为人类也是动物。当我们研究动物时,我们也正在了解己。由此可知研究动物很重要是因为这也是研究人类自身的过程。

74.that为代词,在此处指代前文提到的某个事项;根据画线单词前半句“Some people say sharks never get sick”可推知that在此处指代“蛇从来不生病”这件事。

75.根据第三段倒数第二句“During his life, people laughed at Darwin, saying that people and animals couldn’t come from the same family.”可知达尔文在世时,当时的人们嘲笑他,认为人类和动物不可能出自同一家族。



76. I haven’t been to the Great Wall y_______.


【解析】根据haven’t been to,即“还没去”,可知句子为否定句;同时根据首字母y的提示,考虑yet,通常用于否定句和疑问句中,意为“还”,符合题意。故填yet。句意:我还没有去过长城。

77. Turn back and you will see me standing b_______ you.


【解析】根据turn back,即“转身”,同时结合首字母b的提示,考虑behind,意为“在……后面”,符合题意。故填behind。句意:转身,你会看见我站在你身后。

78. Nothing is i_______ if you put your heart into it.


【解析】根据空格前的is可推知空格处为形容词。put your heart into it意为“全心投入”,同时结合首字母i的提示,考虑impossible,意为“不可能的”,符合题意。故填impossible。句意:如果你全心投入其中,没有什么是不可能的。

79. The_______(发明) of the Internet has changed the world greatly.


80. Many doctors volunteered to_______(支持) Wuhan as soon as they got the news.




Do you like music? I like music very much, especially music in English81 . I thinkDo Re Miis the82 song I have ever heard. It is the theme song of the filmThe Sound of music.I83 heard it when I was five years old. It was such a beautiful and fun song that I couldn’t help84 along. Now, I still often listen to it. Whenever I am under stress, I’ll listen to it because it can make85 happy and relaxed.


81. films

82. most wonderful

83. first

84. singing

85. me







82.根据空格后的名词song可知空格处应为形容词;同时根据I have ever heard,即“我听过的”,可知此句有明确的比较范围,同时根据空格前的the可推知此处应为形容词最高级。结合所给选项,考虑选择wonderful,意为“精彩的”。因为wonderful为多音节形容词,因此其最高级形式为the most wonderful。故填most wonderful。句意:我认为《Do Re Mi》是我听过的最精彩的歌曲。

83.根据when I was five years old,即“在我5岁的时候”,由此推知句子描述的是一个过去的事实;结合所给选项,考虑one,意为“一个”,其序数词形式first用在此处符合题意,表示第一次。故填first。句意:我第一次听它是在我5岁的时候。

84.couldn’t help doing sth 意为“情不自禁做某事”,为固定用法,因此空格处缺少动词;结合所给选项,考虑选择sing,意为“唱歌”,符合题意。故填singing。句意:这是如此美妙有趣的一首歌以至于我情不自禁地一起歌唱。

85.“make sb (人称代词宾格)+ adj ”意为“使某人怎么样”,为固定用法,因此空格处缺少代词;结合所给选项,考虑选择I,意为“我”,符合题意。故填me。句意:当我有压力时,我会听这首歌,因为它能让我感到开心和放松。


周末是我们生活中重要的一部分,合理利用周末时间对青少年至关重要。某校英语杂志社就“如何让周末生活更有意义”开展征文活动。请你根据下面的思维导图,以“How to Make Our weekends more meaningful”为题,用英语写一篇短文投稿。


要求:1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范。

2. 所有提示须全部用上,并作适当发挥。

3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名。

4. 80词左右(文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。

How to make Our Weekends More Meaningful

Life on weekends is an important part of our daily life. How can we make our weekends more meaningful? …

In short, let’s make good use of our weekends!



How to Make Our Weekends More Meaningful

Life on weekends is an important part of our daily life. How can we make our weekends more meaningful?Here are some of my suggestions.

First of all, the weekend is a great time for family to get together. It’s good to help our parents do some housework. That can help us understand each other better and show our love for them. Secondly, we should spend time developing our interests and hobbies at the weekend. For example, I would like to choose some books to read and communicate with others after reading Thirdly, we can take part in volunteering activities, like visiting the old people’s home or doing some cleaning in public places. Last but not least, to make ourselves healthier, taking exercise is a good choice.

In short, let’s make good use of our weekends.


本篇书面表达是一篇命题作文,要求针对“如何让周末生活更有意义”这个问题并结合所给提示创作一篇文章,分享自己的建议。文章第一段首先指明周末是我们日常生活中很重要的一部分,并指明自己会在下文分享相关建议;第二段分条陈述自己的建议,可用first of all,secondly,thirdly,last but not least等词和短语连接语句,增强句子之间的衔接性;第三段总结全文,呼吁大家一起利用好自己的周末时间。



an important part of our daily life(我们日常生活中很重要的一部分);make our weekends more meaningful(使我们的周末生活更有意义);get together(相聚);develop our interests and hobbies(发展我们的兴趣爱好);communicate with others(和其他人交流);take part in volunteering activities(参加志愿活动);make good use of(好好利用……)

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