
1.让你鼻子一酸的从来不是文案,而是与你似曾相似的经历,和你久久憋在心里的委屈,是你想说却不能说的心酸。What makes your nose sour is never a copywriter, but a similar experience with you and the grievance that you hold in your heart for a long time is the heartache that you want to say but can’t say.

2.别傻到用时间去衡量感情,失望透顶时,反而会异常安静,正如你突然想通了,曾经执着的东西,后来发现不值得一提Don’t be so stupid as to use time to measure your feelings. When you are disappointed, you will be very quiet. Just as you suddenly think out, what you once insisted on is not worth mentioning later.


3.某天,你无端想起一些人,他们曾让你对明天有所期许,但是却完全没有出现在你的明天里。One day, you have no reason to think of some people, they once let you have expectations for tomorrow, but they do not appear in your tomorrow.

4.我也不是非想要得到一个拥抱,我只是希望在很短的时候,那岁月极其漫长的时候,找到你唯一的光,我会踮起脚尖更靠近你一点。I don’t want to get a hug either, I just want to find your only light in a very short time, when the years are extremely long, and I’ll tiptoe a little closer to you.

5.我始终在追随你的存在,就像五角星上的星光一样,自由的前提是以你为中心,而我在这样撕咬天空下逐渐变成了一座孤岛。I’ve always followed your presence, like the starlight on a five-point star, and the premise of freedom is that you are the center, and I’m gradually becoming an island under such a tearing sky.

6.少年明澈的眼眸里,永远有千万个跨越山海而来的身影。所以即使只存在平行时空里,我也愿意。In the clear eyes of the youth, there are always thousands of figures crossing the mountains and seas. So even if it only existed in parallel space-time, I would.

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