





many 许多 people 人们 there 那里;在那里

family 家人 but 但是 parents 父母

only 仅仅 little 小的 puppy 小狗

baby brother 婴儿小弟弟 uncle 叔父

aunt 舅母 cousin 同辈表亲(或堂亲)


little puppy 小狗 baby brother 婴儿小弟弟 how many 多少


( C )1. A、family B、farmer C、far

( B )2. A、aunt B、answer C、ant

( C )3. A、uncleB、aunt C、umbrella

( A )4. A、cloudyB、country C、cousin

( C )5. A、parents B、panda C、pass


( A )1. A、family B、class C、far

( C )2. A、aunt B、art C、ant

( C )3. A、uncleB、but C、cute

( B )4. A、countryB、cloudy C、cousin

( A )5. A、parents B、panda C、math


( B )1、— people are there in your family?

— Five.

A、How much B、How many C、How old

( B )2、There are five people in family.

A、Mike B、Mike’s C、he

( A )3、In China, many can use chopsticks.

A、people B、peoples C、the people

( B )4、My family six people.

A、have B、has C、haves

( C )5、—My room is small nice.

A、or B、and C、but


1、 — How many people are there in your family?

— Three.

2、 —My family has six people.

3、 But that’s only five.

4、 I have rice for lunch.

5、 How many people are there in Mike’s family?






football 足球 player 运动员 job 工作 nurse 护士

very 非常 friendly 友好的 basketball 篮球;篮球运动

doctor 医生 cook 厨师 driver 司机 farmer 农民


a football player 一名足球运动员 a nurse 一名护士

very friendly 非常友善 a cook 一名厨师

a basketball player一名篮球运动员 have no job 没有工作


( C )1. A、football B、soccer C、basketball

( C )2. A、farmer B、farm C、far

( B )3. A、doctor B、do C、dog

( A )4. A、cook B、cool C、cold

( A )5. A、driver B、draw C、drive


( C )1. A、football B、look C、moon

( C )2. A、farmer B、smart C、warm

( B )3. A、doctor B、do C、clock

( B )4. A、cook B、cool C、book

( A )5. A、driver B、it C、his


( A )1、— your father?

—Yes, it is.

A、Is this B、Is they C、It is

( C )2、— Are they your parents?

— .

A、Yes, it is B、No, they aren’t C、Yes, they is

( C )3、He is a football .

A、 play B、plays C、player

( B )4、—Is that your father?

— .

A、Yes, it are B、No, it isn’t C、No, they is

( B )5. your aunt’s job?

—She’s a nurse.

A、What B、What’s C、What are


1、 He’s a football player. 他是位足球运动员。

2、 — Is this your uncle? 这是你的叔叔吗?

— Yes, it is. 是的,他是。

— No, it isn’t. 不,他不是。

3、 — Are they your parents? 这是你的父母吗?

— Yes,they are. 是的,他们是。

— No, they aren’t. 不,他们不是。

4、 Is that your brother? 那是你的哥哥吗?

5、 — What’s your aunt’s job? 你婶婶做什么工作?

— She’s a nurse. 她是一名护士。





these 这些 photos 照片

taxi 出租车 grandpa 外公;姥爷


welcome to…… 欢迎来…… my home 我家

taxi driver 出租车司机 photos of my family 我家人的照片

baseball player 棒球运动员


( A )1、A、these B、that C、this

( B )2、A、photos B、phone C、picture

( B )3、A、taxi B、take C、table

( C )4、A、grandpa B、grandma C、grasses

( C )5、A、baseball B、basketball C、balloon


( B )1、A、these B、thank C、this

( C )2、A、photos B、sofa C、stop

( C )3、A、taxi B、have C、table

( C )4、A、grandpa B、grandma C、grasses

( A )5、A、baseball B、basketball C、last


( B )1、—Welcome my home.

A、with B、toC、of

( C )2、These are photos my family.

A、with B、toC、of

( C )3、 are broken.

A、The house of the window B、The window of the window

C、The windows of the window

( A )4、 are my photos.

A、These B、This C、That

( C )5、This is a picture Beijing.

A、with B、toC、of


A、These are photos of my family B、Who’s that

C、Is he a teacher D、What’s your father’s job?

E、He’s a taxi driver F、Welcome to my home

1、Hi, F .

2、Look at these photos.

A .

3、 D ?

He’s a cook. Great.

3、 This is my uncle.

E .

He’s strong.

5、This is my grandpa.

C ?


6、Look! A baseball player!

B ?

Haha! It’s me!



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