

It’s not because you are Altman that you can become light, but because you have light in your heart that you can become Altman.


Darkness is not eternal. The only thing in the world that lasts forever is love


3.没有人做我的奥特曼 那就自己做一个不会被打倒的小怪兽

No one is my Altman, so I’ll be a little monster that won’t be knocked down


The English teacher pointed to the “7” on the blackboard and asked the students how to read it. The class was silent, but no one knew. English teacher angry: Saiwen! The English teacher has become a light


5.小时候花了1百多买了个神光棒 结果不能变身 老板说我的光能不够,于是我就去太阳下站了一下午,还是不能变身

When I was a child, I spent more than 100 yuan to buy a magic light wand, but I couldn’t change. The boss said I didn’t have enough light, so I went to stand in the sun for an afternoon, but I still couldn’t change

6.其实毁掉一个男生很简单 搂着他的脖子 坐在他的腿上 对他耳边轻轻说一句 这个世界上根本没有迪迦奥特曼就可以了。

In fact, it’s very easy to destroy a boy, put his arms around his neck, sit on his lap and whisper in his ear that there is no Dega Altman in the world.


7.你说世界上没有奥特曼我会骂你 但你穿着黑丝坐我腿上 说世界上没有奥特曼 我会觉得你说得对 白丝也行

If you say that there is no Altman in the world, I will scold you, but if you sit on my lap in black silk and say that there is no Altman in the world, I will think you are right, even white silk


I like to drink wine when I am old. I can only put down the heavy burden when I drink.



When it comes to life, we should make some choices, not be in a hurry; when it comes to ourselves, we should pursue quality, not be attached to others, not be lofty; when it comes to other things, some things are just icing on the cake, but none of them are still elegant.


Finally boil into do not chat, also do not want to contact who, trouble the world’s right and wrong and hypocritical face, also tired of worldly sophistication, just want to enjoy loneliness, comfortable and simple.



I finally become a quiet person, indifferent and alienated, smile does not reach the eye.


If everyone understands you, you have to be ordinary. Years of quiet good is a moment, a chicken feather is daily. Looking far is the scenery, looking near is life!






Pai Da Xing: “SpongeBob, guess how many candies I have in my hand. If you guess right, I will give you both candies in my hand!”

SpongeBob thought about it and said, “I guess five.”

Then, paidaxing gave SpongeBob two candies and said, “I still owe you three candies. I’ll give them to you next time.”

Pai Da Xing: “I was born to meet you”




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