

Winter is to watch the snow with the people you like


Can I apply to share a pocket with your hand?


Then secretly wish that you can spend the whole winter with me



Starting today, let the hungry contract the whole winter

五,又到了穿着厚重的衣服 小手冻通红 笨笨地走在雪里的季节了。

It’s time to walk in the snow with heavy clothes and red hands

六,最近的鬼天气 让我觉得每次开门都像在开冰箱。

The recent ghost weather makes me feel like opening a refrigerator every time I open the door


七,下雪就不要发朋友圈了 哪里下钱了再告诉我。

If it snows, don’t send a circle of friends. Let me know when you pay.

八,冬天最流氓了 总喜欢对我冻手冻脚。

Winter is the most rogue. I always like to freeze my hands and feet.


It’s cold. If you can’t give me a hug, then buy me a coat.



It’s getting cold. Did you take my red line to knit a sweater?

十一,想和你过四川的冬天 不是四川也行 不是冬天也行 但不是你不行。

I want to spend the winter in Sichuan with you, either in Sichuan or in winter, but not you


I really want to turn into snow so that I can fall on my husband’s shoulder



In such a cold day, single dog should be upgraded to Wang Wang sui Bing Bing.


There is no sweet love in winter, it will only freeze people into ignorance


十五,不出意外 冬天的第一顿火锅该腾空出世了。

Not surprisingly, the first hot pot in winter should be born.


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