

Today is your birthday. On behalf of all colleagues in the company, I wish you a happy life, full of fun, full of motivation and passion in your work. Happy birthday to you!


The prosperity of the company has your credit, and the prosperity of the company has your happiness. May the company warm you all and bring you a feeling of home. Happy birthday to you!



A blessing, a sincere, in your special day, all colleagues of the company send you the most sincere birthday wishes, I wish you a happy birthday, happy family!


Let’s wish for you, let’s laugh for you, because on your birthday today, the hearts of every employee in the company are just as jubilant and joyful as you are. Happy birthday to you!



To be able to work together is a kind of fate. Thank you for your hard work. On behalf of the company and all colleagues, I send you birthday wishes: happy birthday and happy family!


Autumn comes and winter comes. In this golden autumn season of fruitful harvest, the company sends you the most sincere wishes for your birthday. I wish you a happy birthday. May we work together in harmony and create a better tomorrow for the company in the future!



On behalf of all colleagues in the company, I wish you a happy birthday! May all happiness, all happiness, all warmth and all good luck surround you forever.


This is your X birthday in the company, I hope you will feel different, happy birthday!



May our staff be as cautious and united as brothers and sisters, may our partners be as evergreen as pines, and may our life be as sweet and complete as honey. happy birthday to you!


Thank you for your contribution to the company. I wish you a happy birthday and everything goes well!



Don’t forget your body after work. Thank you for your excellent performance in the company. When your birthday is coming, I send you the most sincere wishes: Happy Birthday!


In the past year, the company has made steady progress. The development of the company is inseparable from the unknown work and efforts of you and other employees. Your birthday is coming soon, the company on behalf of all employees to you sincerely say: Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best in your work, good health, all the best!



On your special day, on behalf of all colleagues in the company, I would like to send you the most sincere wishes for your birthday. Happy birthday! In your work, you have always been able to stick to your post, work hard and make contributions to the development of the company. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your hard work and silent support from your family!

14.因为您的辛勤工作,公司得以正常运转; 因为您的无私奉献,公司业绩才会再创新高; 在这个特殊的日子里,公司所有员工真诚的为您祝福:祝您生日快乐!

Because of your hard work, the company can run normally; because of your selfless dedication, the company’s performance will reach a new high; in this special day, all employees of the company sincerely wish you: Happy Birthday!


The wind of the four seasons blows the wind chime of the years, playing the song of wish for your birthday. May you always be full of vitality in your own flowering season!


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