

It’s just a beautiful woman who grew up one year old again.

二,万事芬达 百事可乐 祝自己生日快乐。

Everything Fanta Pepsi wishes you a happy birthday


In the 16 th year of absorbing oxygen from the earth, we must continue to refuel



Commemorating the 20th anniversary of fairies seeking descent.

五,今天我过生日 在座的各位可以给我磕个头嘛。

It’s my birthday today. Can all of you knock my head off


Show everyone a beautiful woman for their birthday.


七,你可以只过生日 不用长大。

You can celebrate your birthday instead of growing up.


Meet again later is an adult.


Eighty-two birthdays away from centenarians



Love fairy tale heroes and magic no matter how old you are.

十一,寿星许愿 多吃不胖积极向上热忱善良快乐健康。

Shouxing wishes to eat more and not get fat, be positive, warm, kind, happy and healthy.

十二,当当当 许愿时间到!

Dangdang, when it’s time to make a wish!


十三,一岁一礼 一寸欢喜。

One year old, one gift, one inch happy.

十四,今天生日 帮忙许愿 一条 五元。

Make a wish for five yuan for my birthday today.

十五,今天的星星都在我眼里啦 抱歉各位 已经可爱18年啦 希望我把甜甜的奶油抹脸上 写给月亮的诗放在心里。

Today’s stars are in my eyes. Sorry, everyone has been lovely for 18 years. I hope I can put sweet cream on my face and write poems to the moon in my heart.



The story is not long, and it is not difficult to tell. Happy birthday.


Don’t want to hear the truth, just want to eat small cakes.


Goodbye to the Law on the Protection of Minors.


Grow up unexpectedly. Birthday comes as scheduled.

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