
人哪有好的, 只是坏的程度不一样而已。

There is no good in human beings, but the degree of bad is not the same.



Want to say to you, I don’t miss you for a moment, don’t love you for a moment. I’m looking forward to the snow falling to this city, and I’m afraid that you will not come back when it comes. I’m waiting for snow to wait for you, or, like me, snow is waiting for you.


Many people are not lonely, but socialize in a principled and selective way. And like the person thousands of words, and other people do not mention a word.


I have to admit that there was a moment when I thought we could be together for a lifetime. I let go of all my pride and indulged all your things, but I still couldn’t go to the end, just because we didn’t live in the age of holding hands for a lifetime.

《还珠格格》里小燕子对五阿哥说:“我只有一点点坏,小小的坏而已,最近我连柿子都没有偷,上次经过好大一个橘子林,我好想偷几个, 一想到你不喜欢,我连一个都没有摘呢。

In Huanzhugege, the swallow said to brother Wu, “I’m just a little bit bad. I haven’t stolen any persimmons recently. Last time I passed through a big orange forest, I wanted to steal a few. I didn’t even pick one when I thought you didn’t like it.



Your story is very long, if only your story could let me finish.





”I want to be snow, so I can fall on his shoulder. “

“What if he had an umbrella?”

“That falls on his red umbrella, carrying the moonlight all the way.”



Work hard, for the life you want, for the fireworks in the world, for today’s wind and moon.



You can be yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are strange. It doesn’t matter if you are different from others. I’ll always be on your side.


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