
The most terrible is that you have a sense of dependence and you go.



The breeze does not understand the rain, the stars do not understand the river, but I know you.


Most of the night also can’t sleep people eitherhave or have a heart to heart story.


How long will you like me to be with me long enough to play.

你会喜欢我多久,是伴我长久 还是玩够就走。

You have to allow someone to miss you,

to catch up with the best meeting.



You said there’s me in the south, and then you gone north.



I want to be the one who likes you and only you like.

想做那个只喜欢你 也只被你喜欢的人。


Don’t stay up late, even if you don’t want to find your night, or will not find you.

别熬夜 就算你睡的再晚 不想找你的人还是不会找你的。️

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