
I hope to find a gentle and generous person, to take me around the stumbling stones on the road, very peaceful, very down-to-earth, full of security to go on.



There must be a rhythm in the relationship between two people. That person is the one who seems to love more, that is, the one who takes the initiative. The other one seems to be spoiled and fearless. But only you know that one day when she’s leaving, you have a chance to catch her back, and you’re leaving, then the day you decide to go is the end of all the stories.


Love is the most irrelevant thing in the world. A person appears in your arms one year and one month, and it will never be forgotten.


I really think the future is long, but no one is waiting for me.


There was a summer when the sun was shining. Walk together on the road. My girlfriend asked me, “How much do you like me?” I felt a little, “I like you as much as I’m hot now.”



They all say that time does not spare people, and I have not spared years. I have been pursuing the depth of people’s hearts, but I have seen the shallowness of people’s hearts. Sometimes, it’s also a kind of detachment to have everything in one’s mind.

都说岁月不饶人,我亦未曾饶过岁月。我一直在追索人心的深度 ,却看到了人心的浅薄。有时候,万念俱灰也是一种超脱。


Sometimes I try my best to do the best I can, and it’s not as good as looking at him once.



I hope you have the courage to move forward, there is also the ease of one foot back.




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