
Don’t deal with any emotional problems, whether with your family or your lover. Ask when you have doubts, admit when you are wrong, and tell him if you want him to. Many things become blurred when they endure. It is clear that misunderstanding is not a misunderstanding, but also a misunderstanding.



Because of no predestination, will come and wipe shoulders; because not owe, will be in a hurry and no longer see.


When I came home from work at night, I waited for the elevator on the first floor. Then two men came along. They were full of alcohol. I was subconsciously afraid that they would be drunk mad. When the elevator came in and I saw that they had not moved, I asked, “Don’t you come in?” One of the men blushed and said, “We’re all drunk, afraid of smoking you, afraid of scaring you. Let’s wait for the next trip. Girl, you go up first.”


Now I can imagine that the best love is:

One day in the future, I just finished dinner with you, helped you wash dishes, and then you spilled water naughtily, I chased you to satisfy the house, and finally threw you into my arms, leaving a kiss on your forehead, to “punish” your naughty little lovely.



Let’s get to know each other again. It’s just your name. I try to keep my curiosity and heart under control.



We are all people who collapsed in the night. We are all part of the dead in our hearts. Every day we become more indifferent. Every day after we refused to incite, we are all in haha. In the uninhibited place we built up, what should be hidden in the deepest place? I have tried hard to turn life into a comedy, and I always feel sad.



Unloading is always faster than downloading, losing is always faster than getting.

卸载永远比下载快,失去永远比得到快 。


Sometimes it’s really sad why people who like each other end up having nothing to do with each other.


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