
You ah, mostly that old qingniang, that July rain, is that words do not reach the gentle, is my sweetheart, heaven and moon.



I want you to be a resident of my heart and daydream on my planet. Fly a plane to explode small fireworks, barefoot in the sand to pick up a fish, the moon and stars into small pockets, there is no scientific basis and it doesn’t matter, in my place you are the basis of everything.


I want to live with you. In a small town, I want to share the endless dusk and the continuous bell sound. In the hotel of this small town, the faint sound of the ancient clock is like the light drop of time. ——I want to live with you


You are the ideal of the world, you are the light of the world, you are the way back.


Think of you when the sunset is you, sunset is your cloud moon is you little stars are you. When I miss you, the inclined wind is you, the drizzle is you, and the cold is you, the rolling thunder is you. Everything is you, everything is not you.

想你的时候夕阳是你,晚霞是你云中月是你点点星辰也是你。想你的时候斜风是你 细雨是你 ,料峭寒是你滚滚天雷也是你。万物皆是你万物皆非你。


I’m always too attached to what I see at the first sight, and I can’t find the clothes I like at the first sight and then go to other stores. Because you are the first person to identify, so want to keep your temperature.



I’m short-sighted. I can only see you. There are only two wishes: you are by your side; you are by your side.



The world shouldn’t have made me so happy, but you came.


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