

3,000 flowers flow in the east. A dream of Chang ‘an ends in ashes.

2、蓬莱哭死三千树 为君重满碧桃花。

Penglai cried to death, and 3,000 trees were full of peach blossoms.

3、我为檐上三寸雪 你是人间惊鸿客。

I’m thinking of three inches of snow on the eaves, and you’re an amazing guest in the world.


4、经一场大梦 梦中见漫山花如翡 如见故人 喜不自胜。

After a big dream, I saw flowers all over the mountain like Fei, like seeing my old friend be in heaven.

5、你是始料不及的心动 是我惟恐不及的惊鸿。

hes the white clouds.

6、春风吹渭水 落叶满长安。

Spring breeze blows Wei water and leaves fall all over Chang ‘an.

7、七寸青衫 十里红妆。

Seven inches of blue and ten miles of red makeup.


As soon as possible, your eyes look like eyes, and you are gentle in winter and spring.


Zhuang Zhou’s dream butterfly is both a gift and a robbery.

10、三生有幸遇见你 纵使悲凉也是情。

Sansheng was lucky enough to meet you, even though it was sad.

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