

When you come to the winter solstice, but the wind on your eyebrows stops. I come a little later. Others describe you with gentleness. I use you to describe gentleness. I am not rich in the world. But I have countless sunny days. I can’t untie my heart knot and tie it into a bow.


Gentle starry sky, should let you move, I am behind you, decorate a piece of sky for you, life is just eight words, let it be, let it be, wish you can meet your good time in the near future.



I like you, is can like the kind of like for a long time. It’s summer and autumn. It’s the freshness that’s gone. There’s enthusiasm. The moon’s in the stars. You’re in the soft moonlight.


May the youth in the journey, when looking back, have the stars in the eyes of the sea, the heart of thousands of gullies, flowers, I for you, like a whale to the sea, like a bird into the forest, inevitable, no retreat.


Dusk is the most beautiful moment of the day, just like this sunset and autumn, returning all the darkness to the mountains and rivers, and returning all the harvest to the falling hedge. Under all the subtle details, there is the sound of falling leaves returning to their roots.6.以前看过一句话,这个世界有六十几亿人口,但某个瞬间,只有这一个人,就能敌过千军万马,四海潮生,希望你一直如少年,干净纯粹心安。

I’ve read a saying before that there are more than 6 billion people in this world. But at one moment, only this person can defeat thousands of troops. I hope you have been as young as ever, clean and pure at ease.

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