
1.有的人一辈子都给自己,给别人设置了一道高高的围墙,喜欢自己的人进不来,厌恶自己的人攻不破,可同样,自己在围墙里挣扎不出,渴望别人进来,又害怕被人伤害。Some people have set up a high wall for themselves all their life. Those who like themselves can’t get in and those who hate them can’t break it. But they can’t struggle out of the wall, eager for others to come in and afraid of being hurt.

2.我们云淡风轻地笑着,互相打招呼擦肩而过,却在转身的瞬间泪流满面,今天的无意之间,必定又是梦里一遍又一遍的思念。We smile, say hello to each other, passing by, but in the moment of turning around tears, today’s unintentional, must be the dream again and again miss.


3.念旧的人,总像一个可怜的拾荒者,别人舍弃的,自己却在未来的某一天视若珍宝的捡起。Nostalgic people, always like a poor scavenger, others abandoned, but in the future some day as if treasure picked up.

4.一定一定要坚持过你想要的生活,在旁人看来不那么精致也好,不够有趣也好,你都不要退缩。那是你好不容易争取来的,千万不能因一些小事和风言风语就轻易丢下。只要是你喜欢的,是你努力在搭建的生活,总有一天你会把它变成闪闪发亮的人生。Be sure to stick to the life you want. If it’s not so delicate or interesting to others, don’t shrink back.That’s what you finally won. You can’t leave it easily because of some small things and rumors.As long as it’s what you like and what you’re trying to build, one day you’ll turn it into a shining life.


There are forty thousand roses in my yard. Every morning, I sit at the door with a book in my hand. All the people passing by would praise my roses, and some would like to fold one or two, but I ignored them. Until that day you came, smiling eyes narrowed into crescent moon and asked me, what book did you read? I knew that all these 40000 roses are yours.6.有一个单词叫BAADER-MEINHOF,这个词能够解释东京初见的烟花,华盛顿大学喷泉背后的雪山,西海岸一号公路上悬崖星空和亨利米勒,还有以往一面之缘爱过的人。There is a word called Baader Meinhof, which can explain the first fireworks in Tokyo, the snow mountain behind the fountain of the University of Washington, the cliffs on the West Coast Highway 1, the starry sky and Henry Miller, as well as the people who have been in love with each other in the past.

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