

he snow moon I saw, the wind and thunder I heard, the sweet and sour food, the warm and cool touch, together with the gentle writing voice, hidden in the envelope, in the beautiful night of the moon, quietly handed it to you.

2.你要慢慢的明白,并不是所有人都在意你,所以你要把空出来的位置让给那个你真心喜欢的人。You need to slowly understand that not everyone cares about you, so you need to give the empty space to the one you really like.


3.有些想要的东西我得不到,还有些我想得到的东西却没有勇气,在这一刻,我决定我应该奔向你。Some things I can’t get, and some i want to get something but no courage, at this moment, I decided I should run to you.


Allow a day of despair, but also allow a day of complacency, don’t lose heart, ordinary you are also worthy of all kinds of love, no matter where you are, the wind blowing, are the people who love you embracing you.


May your future life, not choice but love, not sand and confusion, but gentle and shining, even if you see the dark end ahead, there is always light waiting for you.


I’ll tell you quietly that I will always like you. Shen Congwen’s love words can best express my feelings: “I have crossed many bridges in many places, seen clouds many times, drunk many kinds of wine, but only loved a person of the best age.”

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