



—What did the shopkeeper say to you?
— She asked me______.
A.when does the shop close

B.where did I see the style
C.if I preferred that orange dress

D.what else I will buy


—Do you know ________?
—In Stratford, England.
A.where Shakespeare was born

B.when Shakespeare finished school
C.how many plays Shakespeare wrote

D.why Shakespeare's works are popular


一Could you tell us____ ?
– – About 400 kilometers.
A. How far it is from Tongren to Guiyang
B. How far is it from Tongren to Guiyang
C. How long it takes to get to Guiyang
D. How long does it take to get to Guiyang


—Excuse me. Could you tell me ________?
—At Xinhua Bookstore on Beijing Road of Kail.
A.where did you buy the magazine

B.why you bought the magazine
C.how did you buy the magazine

D.where you bought the magazine


Lisa is studying abroad. She hasn’t decided _______back to China because of the COVID—19.
A. if she flies

B. whether she will fly
C. when will she fly

D. how will she fly


—What will you remember most after leaving junior high school?
—I will always remember ________.
A.how my friends and teachers used to help me

B.when did my friends and teachers arrive
C.where could my friends and teachers meet

D.what did the teachers say to me


-Wow! The school uniforms can tell parents ______Cool! So the children won't get lost easily.
A. where are their children

B. where their children are
C. what do their children study

D. what their children study


—Dear friends, do you know__?
—By working together!
A. when we can make the Chinese Dream come true
B. when can we make the Chinese Dream come true
C. how we can make the Chinese Dream come true
D. how can we make the Chinese Dream come true


—Could you tell me __________?
—Sure, go along this street, turn left at the second crossing. You'll find the bank on your right.
A.how I can get to the Bank of China

B.where is the Bank of China
C.where can I find the Bank of China


—Tom, I wonder________.
—In Beijing, the first city to host both summer and winter Olympics.
A.where will the 24th Winter Olympics be held
B.where the 24th Winter Olympics will hold
C.where the 24th Winter Olympics will be held


— Could you tell me ________?
— There is nothing but some old model planes.
A.what’s in the room B.what can you see in the room C.who in the room is

12.(2020四川凉山)11.–You have got lots of masks. Could you please tell me ___________?
–Sure. I bought them in a shop in the neighborhood a few days ago.
A.when did you buy them B.where you bought them
C.when will you buy them D.where you will buy them

13.(2020黑龙江牡丹江)—Mum, can you tell me ______ I can wear the face mask (口罩)?
—Cover your face and nose with it and make sure there's no space between them.
A.when B.how C.where

14.(2020黑龙江大庆)12.The school suggested the students pass on ________ they have learned to their parents.
A.what B.that C.which D.where


He asked ________ Betty came home late last night.
A.weather B.whether C.where


The policeman asked the little boy if ________ his home.
A.he could find

B.could he find

C.he can find


— Do you know ____________?
—At 9:00 tomorrow morning.
A.when the video meeting began
B.when did the video meeting begin
C.when the video meeting will begin
D.when will the video meeting begin


The BBC's documentary Du Fu:China's Greatest Poet explains ________ Du's works have been popular for centuries.
A.when B.whether C.why


— Could you tell me we can start a conversation with a foreigner?
—Talking about weather is a good choice.
A.how B.why C.where D.when


—Could you tell me _______?
—In Xinhua Bookstore.
A.where you bought the book

B.where did you buy the book

C.where do you buy the book

21.(2020湖北鄂州)14.—What did our English teacher say to you just now?
—He asked me ________.
A.why I am sad

B.if had I done my homework
C.when did I do my homework

D.how I planned to go on vacation


I wondered _________.
A.which way was the wind blowing

B.which one is the most convenient
C.which of the houses did you live in

D.which school it was you went to

23.(2020湖南湘西)15.—Judy, could you tell me ________ the schoolbag?
—Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.
A.where did you buy

B.where you bought

C.where you will buy


I wonder_________
A.when China sent the last Beidou Satellite(北斗卫星).
B.when did China send the last Beidou Satellite.
C.when does China send the last Beidou Satellite.

25.(2020江苏连云港)14.I have some tickets for the football match. I called my friends to see___________.
A.where did they buy them

B.why they liked to go there
C.when did we go together

D.whether they’d like to go


Jenny just wondered ________Angela already knew about the event.
A.how soon B.how many

C.how often D.how much


—I wonder ________.
—Of course it is.
A.that mooncakes are delicious

B.whether June is a good time to visit Dandong
C.when the band starts playing this evening

D.if the bookstore opens today

28.(2020辽宁锦州)4.—Wow, your dress is so beautiful. Could you tell me ________?
—Oh, I bought it in an online store.
A.when you bought it

B.where you bought it
C.how much you spent on it

D.how long you have had it


—Could you please tell me ______?
—Tomorrow morning.
A.when he calls me back B.when does he call me back
C.when he will call me back D.when will he call me back

30.(2020河北)10.My cousin will drive me to school today, but I don't know .
A.what he'll do

B.where he'll go
C.when we'll leave

D.why we'll go there


—In May, President Xi Jinping spoke highly of the great changes of the Fenhe River in Taiyuan. I wonder ________.
—Everyone should play a part in making it cleaner and clearer.
A.which places he visited

B.how we can protect the river

C.why such changes have taken place


—Excuse me, Mr. Wang. Do you know ________?
—Yes. It's on May 20th.
A.when is the school trip

B.how we can go there

C.when the school trip



— Lily, could you tell me ________?
—About ten minutes.
A.how far is it from your home to school

B.how far it is from your home to school
C.how long does it take you to walk to school

D.how long it takes you to walk to school


—Dad, can you tell me ____________? I miss her very much. —Next week, dear.
A.where my mum will go
B.when will my mum come back
C.when my mum will come back


— Did you notice _________ in his office?
— Yes, he was going over our homework.
A.what Mr. Li was doing

B.how was Mr. Li doing

C.how Mr. Li was doing

D.what Mr. Li is doing

36.(2020海南)20.—Excuse me, could you please tell me _________?
—It's not far from here. I can walk with you.
A.how can I get to Xinhua Bookstore
B.how I can get to Xinhua Bookstore
C.how could I get to Xinhua Bookstore

37.(2020云南)15.— Could you please tell me ________ about the CCTV Host Competition?
—Let’s check it on computers.
A.how can I get the information

B.how I can get the information
C.why can I get the information

D.why I can get the information


—Excuse me. Could you please tell me_____________?
—OK. Go down the street and you will find it on the left.
A.how I can get to the zoo

B.how can I get to the zoo

C.when I can get to the



—What did Lily say to you just now, Emma?
—She wanted to know .
A.what will I do this Sunday

B.who did I play volleyball with just now
C.why I am late for class this morning

D.if I could go shopping with her tonight


—Mr. Wang, I didn't catch what you said. Could you tell me ________ again?
—OK. Wait a minute.
A.how we will get there

B.what should we take

C.when would we start

D.where shall we meet


—There will be a graduation ceremony next week. Do you know____________?
—We will have it on line instead of at the school hall.
A.when it will be held

B.when it was held
C.where it will be held

D.where it was held


Always tell your parents ________ you are going and________ you expect to be home.
A.what, where B.when, where

C.where, what D.where, when


— There will be a film about the traditional Chinese musical instruments.
— That sounds cool. Could you please tell me ___________?
A.that you will see it

B.how much is the ticket
C.when it will be shown

D.where it was shown


—Mr Wu, can you tell me ?
—We get together and eat moon cakes.
A.why do you like the Chinese New Year best
B.how do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival
C.how Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year
D.what Chinese people usually do on the Mid-Autumn Festival


— Could you tell me ________?
— Throwing off poverty(脱贫).
A.who people often talk about this year
B.what people often talk about this year
C.which do people often talk about this year


—Do you know ________?
—Sorry, I've never had an e-book before. Why not read the instructions first?
A.how can I turn the e-book on

B.how I can turn the e-book on
C.where can I buy an e-book

D.where I can buy an e-book


—I wonder___________.
—Only seven dollars. All the books were on sale in that bookstore yesterday.
A.how many books you bought

B.where did you buy these books
C.how much you spent on these books

D.when you bought these books


—Jack will have a birthday party tomorrow. Do you know ________?
—I’m not sure. Let's call Cathy and she may know something about it.
A.how can I get there

B.what gift he prefers
C.why didn't he invite me

D.where the party was held


— Do you know ___________?
— Yes. They’ll go there by train at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
A.how would they leave for Beijing
B.how will they leave for Beijing
C.how they would leave for Beijing
D.how they will leave for Beijing

50.(2020湖北恩施)10.He looks worried. I wonder ________ he has already known about the result.
A.where B.whether C.why


—I'm planning a trip to the National Mining Park(国家矿山公园) tomorrow, but still can't decide ________.
—How about driving?
A.how I'm going

B.where I'm going

C.when I'm going

D.who I'm going with


—Can you tell me ______?
—Sure. He lives on ….
A.what his job is

B.what does he do

C.where he lives

D.where does he live


—I heard NBA star Kobe Bryant’s private helicopter (直升机) crashed. I wonder________.
—All the nine people died including his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna.
A.where the accident happened B.that his daughter died too
C.what was the weather like that day D.if there were any survivors in the accident


— I can’t find you.
—I don’t know________ . I’m on the left side of a tree.
A.who I am B.who am I

C.where I am D.where am I


Tom became interested in books at a very young age. He read every book he could find and bought books of all kinds. Today Tom has a big collection of books. His favourite books are mystery novels and books about detective stories.
The story mainly tells us ________.
A.why Tom does the reading

B.how Tom learned to read
C.how much Tom likes to read

D.what Tom’s favourite books are


—Excuse me, would you please tell me _________?
—Certainly. It's about ten minutes' walk.
A.where is the nearest shop

B.how I can get to the nearest shop
C.how far the nearest shop is

D.how soon can I reach the nearest shop


—Mr Li, could you please tell me ________?
—Sorry, I’m not sure. You can ask Miss Xiao.
A.where was Chinese Kung fu taught

B.how often is the dragon boat race held
C.when the ancient Silk Road started

D.how much is the Chinese painting there


—You promised that you ________ me to Disneyland, Dad.
—Well, I did, dear. But we have to change the plan.
A.will take B.would take

C.has taken D.had taken


I have to say that’s a wonderful plan. But I wonder ________. Next month? Or next year? We don’t have that much time, I’m afraid.
A.how soon it will be carried out

B.how long it will be carried out
C.how soon will it be carried out

D.how long will it be carried out


—Welcome back to school, Tim. I want to know________online.
—Of course, Ms. Clark, I was hard-working.
A.what you studied

B.when you studied

C.if you studied hard


—Mary, could you tell me______the pencil box?
—Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.
A.where you bought

B.when you will buy
C.when did you buy

D.where will you buy


We're not sure ______there'll be_______ or not tomorrow.
A.if; rains

B.if; rainy

C.whether; rain

D.whether; raining

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