

“便当”一词起源于中国南宋时期的俗语,意思就是方便、便利。“便当”一词传入日本后,也曾写作“便道” “弁道”,最后采用了表示“准备”意思的和制汉字“弁”作为“便当盒”之意来使用。

Nowadays, many regular office workers prepare "bento box" lunch for themselves during workdays in China. The word "bento" originated from a Chinese word "便当(Biandang)" circulating during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279)—meaning convenience, and later spread to Japan.


In fact, ancient Chinese started to use some sort of "bento boxes" in no later than the Warring States Period, over 2,000 years ago.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

战国时期青铜器掐银丝瑞兽双耳三足食盒 Bronze tripodic food box ornamented with silver inlay and auspicious beast pattern, Warring States Period



Ancient food boxes were given assorted names in history but served similar functions.


In the olden days, "bento boxes" were food boxes bolstered by bamboo and wood from inside with a lid and a bottom. They were mentioned in several Chinese literary works, such as the classic Chinese novel Jin Ping Mei (The Plum in the Golden Vase) and Rulin waishi (The Unofficial History of the Scholars), written in the Ming and Qing dynasties respectively.


古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

汉代彩绘食盒 Richly-colored food box, Han Dynasty



In as early as the Han Dynasty, the boom of takeaway service widely promoted the use of food containers by taverns and restaurants.


Sizes of ancient "bento boxes" varied. The bigger ones could be half tall as a man and took two people to carry, while the smaller ones could be readily held by just one person.


During the Tang and Song dynasties, food containers like today's food boxes were widely used, as depicted in one of the famous paintings in the Southern Song Dynasty displayed below.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

南宋《春游晚归图》中的食盒 Men carrying food box were depicted in an ancient painting in the Southern Song Dynasty.


Usually, craftsmen would use exquisite materials to make boxes for delicate food, such as wood, bamboo and enamel, among which wood was mostly used, especially red sandalwood, Chinese rosewood, wenge, and santos rose wood. They were close-grained, bright-colored, and cast-iron enough to make good food boxes, and didn't weigh too much for one to shoulder or carry without waggle.


Ancient "bento boxes" could be roughly divided into three kinds: food boxes with handle, food boxes for holding and multi-grid food boxes.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

清雍正五彩龙凤瑞兽缠枝食盒 Five-colored food box inlaid with patterns of a dragon and a phoenix as well as auspicious beasts, during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty


The first kind was the most common one. With relatively larger size, the containers had symmetrical hoop handles and a light weight, so people could carry them with one hand only while walking.


Food boxes with handle were coarse at first, until some literati participated in their design and changed them into "elegant" kitchen utensils in the Song Dynasty.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

清代黄花梨提盒 Handled food box made of Chinese rosewood, Qing Dynasty


During the Ming and Qing dynasties, food boxes with handles took on more styles, some decorated with carved lacquerware or inlaid with a variety of processed semi-precious materials. Some high-value boxes even became containers of jade and small articles for amusement rather than food.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

明崇祯竹篾髹(xiū)漆描金三撞八棱形食盒 Gilt octagonal food box made of bamboo, during the reign of Emperor Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

清代粉彩百子图食盒 Famille rose food box decorated with baizitu, a traditional painting theme featuring the images of lots of children, Qing Dynasty


Besides those with handles, food boxes for holding also became prevalent in the Qing Dynasty. In multifarious shapes, like square, hexagon, octagon, lotus leaf and peach, they were easy to hold and served a part of some sort of social etiquette.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

清代象牙雕人物玲珑提食盒 Carved ivory food box with figures, Qing Dynasty


Most of these boxes were made of porcelain, lacquer, wood, occasionally enamel or metal, for thermal insulation and heat preservation purposes. They were not that heavy thanks to the peculiar workmanship.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

清乾隆大漆嵌螺钿三层食盒 Three-layer lacquer food box with mother-of-pearl inlay, during the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty



In the Qing Dynasty, ministers and imperial kinsmen presented food boxes containing gifts to emperors on their birthdays. A food box was also used when emperors rewarded servants with snacks. But an empty box from the emperor might hint bad luck, as it meant termination of one's official career as well as an order to end one's life, according to some hearsay. In officials' mansions, when dinner was served, food boxes were also used as a dust-proof "outerwear" to keep the food warm and avoid scalds.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

清光绪藕荷地粉彩花卉纹捧盒 Famille rose food box for holding, with patterns of pale pinkish purple flowers, during the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty


Multi-grid food boxes, on the other hand, were not that intricate albeit with elaborate design. They were light with little effect of heat preservation, making them proper containers for cold food.


古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

清代红漆描金福寿纹桃式攒盒 Gilt multi-grid peach-shaped food box, Qing Dynasty


Most of the existing ancient food boxes were from the Ming and Qing dynasties. And those produced in the Ming Dynasty, in particular, were more consistent with the aesthetic values of traditional literati with their simple yet elegant appearances.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

明代黑漆嵌骨三屉食盒 Three-layer black-painted food box inlaid with animal bone, Ming Dynasty



In the mid-Qing Dynasty, food containers in the imperial court were famous for their extravagance and luxury. A case in point is the carved ivory food box with handle from the Qing Dynasty presented below. The four-layer box mainly consisted of hollowly-carved ivory pieces inscribed with patterns of figures, birds, beasts, garden scenery and boats, and even its button knob, shell frame and handle had embellishments in light blue or red.

古人的“便当盒”,也太高级了吧!"Bento boxes" in ancient China

清代象牙雕四层透花提食盒,台北故宫博物院藏 Ivory-carved four-layer food box, with handle, Qing Dynasty, housed in Taipei Palace Museum






Through ages of evolution, ancient food boxes are now still favored by many people. Their design and production process have been developed and applied to gift boxes today, giving the traditional craftsmanship another opportunity to shine.



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