

英语单词cake是蛋糕的意思,大家一唱起Happy birthday to you,自然会想起cake的美味和香甜。其实英语中有许多与cake相关的习语,今天我和大家分享几个。


have one's cake and eat it too

  • 中文释义:两者兼得

  • 英文释义:to do or get two good things at the same time, esp. things that are not usually possible to have together.

  • 例句:I worked at home so I could raise my family and still earn money—-I guess I wanted to have my cake and eat it too. 我在家工作,这样既能养家又能赚钱,我觉得自己就是想两者兼得罢了。

icing on the cake

  • 中文释义:锦上添花

  • 英文释义:something that makes a good situation or activity even better

  • 例句:I found a good job and the fact that I can work where I want is the icing on the cake. 我找到了一份好工作,事实上这也正是我想去工作的地方,真是锦上添花。

a piece of cake

  • 中文释义:小菜一碟

  • 英文释义:a task that is easily accomplished

  • 例句:The job was a piece of cake. I finished before lunch. 这项工作不过是小菜一碟,午饭前我就完成了。

a slice of the cake

  • 中文释义:获得一份钱财

  • 英文释义:a share of something (money etc.)

  • 例句:The government wants a slice of the cake from the new casinos. 政府想从赌场分得一份羹。

take the cake

  • 中文释义:名列第一;坏到极点(讽刺)

  • 英文释义:to be the best or worst of something

  • 例句:The behavior of the young girl takes the cake. It is terrible. 那个少女的行为太差劲了,非常让人厌恶了。


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