make a change翻译(make the change)

make the change(make a change翻译)


I. What happens to invoices when a company changes its name?


If only the name of the company has changed, and other persons, such as the legal representative and the tax preparer have not changed, you only need to bring the relevant information to the tax authorities to fill in the "Change of Tax Registration Form" to change the tax registration and pay off the invoices that have been filled out and those that have not been filled out in the tax authorities, and then apply again to the tax authorities to purchase or print your own invoices.


Note: The new special seal for invoice can be engraved first, but it must be the same as the name of the changed enterprise, otherwise it will cost you money in vain. If the tax exemption certificate has not expired, it can be left unchanged because the tax authorities are making changes to the tax registration on the content of your original tax registration and the corresponding tax exemption certificate has been transferred to your changed tax registration; if it has expired, you need to apply to the tax authorities again for recognition of tax exemption status.


2. How are debts and liabilities handled when a company changes its name?


You can check whether the legal person of the company has been changed after the name change of a company, and whether the scope of business of the company has changed. If only the name of the company has been changed, the company in new name still has to bear the debts and liabilities.


3. What about social the insurance when a company changes its name?


First of all, you need to change your social security registration card, bring the relevant documents, fill in the change of unit information form and go to the window for opening the account of the social insurance to make the change, then print the new social security registration card and then go to the medical window to make the change.


4. You will also need to change other things


Any document or certificate that involves the name of the company will also need to be changed!


For example:


①Trademarks, patents and copyrights of the company


② the company's registration information on some third party platforms (e.g. shop in Jingdong)


③ Long-term contracts entered into by the Company with external parties


④ Company's license (e.g. ICP license, food business license)


⑤ ICP filing information of the company's website


⑥Company's qualification certificate (e.g. high-tech enterprise certificate, technology-based SME certificate)


⑦Other documents or certificates bearing the name of the company


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