
傻瓜用英文怎么说(傻瓜男孩的英文怎么写)考点解析 | 初中英语重点短语辨析(六)

1. fill/ full

Ⅰ.fill为及物动词,表“使……满”,常与介词with搭配,表达“被……充满”使用be filled with结构。如:

① The bottle is filled with water. 这只瓶子装满了水。

② He was filled with joy at the news. 听到这个消息,他内心充满了喜悦。

Ⅱ.full是形容词,多作表语,表示主语所处的状态,常见于be full of 结构中。如:

① The schoolbag is full of books. 书包里装满了书。

② He drew in an old badsket full of sand.他捞上来一个灌满泥沙的旧篮子。

[注]:be filled with = be full of .可以互换。但介词with与of 不能混淆。如:

The room is full of people. = The room is filled with people.

2. final/ last


① Today is the final day of this term. 今天是本学期的最后一天。

② We shall know the final results of the elections tomorrow. 明天我们将知道选举的最后结果。

Ⅱ.last “最后的、末尾的”指按次序的前后或时间的先后居于最后,并意味着后面不再有了。如:

① My house stands in the last row.

② He was the last one to enter.

3. finally/ at last/ in the end



Ⅱ.at last 表经过一定曲折之后某事才发生,强调努力的结果,带有较强的感情色彩,须用一般过去时。

Ⅲ.in the end 表事物发展的自然顺序地“终结”,有时或与 finally相互替换,但用于对将来的预测,则只能用in the end。如:

① Did the man in the shop understand him at last?

② Finally he went to see the famous man himself.

③ I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end.

4. famous as / famous for

Ⅰ. (be) famous as “以(某种身份)……出名(著名)”as后跟人宾语往往与主语同位。如:

① She is famous as a poet. 他以一名诗人而著名。

② The town is famous as a car-making place. 该城镇以制造汽车而闻名。

Ⅱ. (be) famouse for “困……而闻名(驰名)”表示由于某种特征而出名,for后的宾语一般为主语人从属内容。如:

① China has been famous for its silk. 中国素以丝绸闻名。

② This city is famous for its big gambling resort. 该市因其大赌场而驰名。

5. fix/ mend/ repair

Ⅰ. 这三个词都可译为“修理”,但fix 一词在美语中应用更广泛。fix 和repair 一样,都表示使受到一定损坏或失灵的东西恢复其性状或机能,如“修理、安装”钟表、收音机、照相机、电视机、汽车和机床等大型物体。repair 还可以用于修筑堤坝、道路和建筑等。如:fix/repair a

Ⅱ mend 一般用于“修补”破损的东西使其恢复原样,一般指较小之物。如衣服、鞋袜、伞和桌椅等。如:mend shoes/a broken table

6. foolish/ silly / stupid

Ⅰ.foolish 的意思是“愚蠢的、傻的”,指显得缺乏判断力或普通常识的人或言行等。如:

① How foolish of you to condent!你竟会同意,多么愚蠢啊!

② Don’t be so foolish. 别那么傻。

③ He is a foolish man to throw away such a chance. 他放弃这样的机会真是个傻瓜。


① How silly of you to do that! 你竟做那件事,多么愚蠢啊!

② That is a silly story. 那是一个无聊的故事。


① He is a stupid person. 他是个蠢人。

② How stupid of him to overlook such an obvious mistake. 如此明显的错误他居然都没有看出来,多么愚蠢呀!

7. for short/ short for

Ⅰ.for short意为“简称”、“缩写”,是介词词组,常用作状语,如:

① The teacher told Tom to write the text for short. 老师要汤姆缩写课文。

Ⅱ.short for意为“是。。。 。。。的缩写”与be 动词连用,构成系表结构作谓语,如:

① “There’re” is short for “there are”.

8. from now on/ from then on

from now on“从现在起”,是以现在为起点延续下去,谓语通常用将来时态。from then on“从那时起”,是以过去为起点延续下来,谓语通常用过去时态和完成时态。如:

① She is going to live with you from now on. 从现在起我将刻苦学习。

② From then on, he hasn’t seen his uncle again. 从那以后他再也没有看见他叔叔了。

9. game/ match/ race/ sport

Ⅰ. game 主要指决定胜负的游戏,通常有一套规则,凡参加者均须遵守。如:

① After a game on the wports field they often become good friends. 他们在运动场上进行一场比赛之后,常常变成了好朋友。

[注]:说“比赛”, 在英国通常用match,在美国通常用game.另外game 的复数形式一般指大型的国际比赛或综合性体育运动会。如:the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会。

Ⅱ.match 表示相互间正式的体育比赛、球类比赛,英国人常用。

① They are going to have a volleyball match.他们将进行一场排球赛。

Ⅲ. race 主要用于赛跑、赛车等速度比赛。如:

① Who can win the relay race, Class 3 or Class 4?谁能赢这场接力赛,三班还是四班?

Ⅳ. sport 多指户外的游戏或娱乐活动,如打球,跳高,游泳,钓鱼,打猎,赛马和拳术等。如:

① Swimming is his favourite sport.游泳是他最喜欢的运动项目。

② Skating is one of the winter sports. 滑冰是一个冬季运动项目。


③ He created a new record in high-jump at our school sports.在我们学校的运动会上,他创造了跳高新纪录。

10. gift/ present


The watch was a gift from his father.


① I’m buying it for a present, so please wrap it up nicely. 我买这东西是作礼物送人的,请你包扎得好一点。

② He gave me the book as a present. 他给我这本书作为礼物。

11 . grow / keep / raise / plant

Ⅰ. grow & plant 都可表示“种植”如种植草、树、苗、花卉粮食等植物。grow 着重指种植以后的栽培、管理过程。

plant 着重指“种植”这一行为。某人plant a tree 之后,树是死是活,不一定管,但某人grow a tree则包括培育管理,使其生长的过程。如:

① The students are planting trees on the hill. 学生们正在山坡上栽树。(不用grow)

② The farmer grows wheat in this field.那位农民在这块田里种植小麦。(不用plant)

③ People grow bananas in Hainan. 海南种植香蕉。(不用plant)

Ⅱ. keep 表“赡养”后可接表人或动物的名词,不用来代替plant 或grow. 如:

① He has a wife and three children to keep. 他要养活妻子和三个孩子。

② My grandma keeps pigs and hens. 我奶奶养猪养鸡。

③ My uncle has a large family to keep. 我叔叔要养活一大家人。

Ⅲ. raise 除表“饲养(动物)”以外,还可表示“教育(子女)”;“培育(植物)”。如:

① We raised a good crop of tomatoes this year.今年我们种的西红柿长得很好。

② My grandma raised a family of five. 我祖母养育了五口之家。

③ Where were you raised ? 你在哪儿长大?

④ He raised some flowers in the back garden. 他在后园里种了一些花。

[注]:raise 强调从小精心培养到大,通常指培养花卉以及较难管理的植物。如:

① Let’s grow / raise some flowers in the garden.咱们在园子里种些花吧。

① We grow rice, wheat and cotton in my hometown.在家乡,我们种植水稻、小麦和棉花。(不宜用raise)

12. glad/ happy/merry/ pleased


Ⅰ.glad 多用在与人见面时的客套语中,指使人感到:情绪上有短暂的喜悦,常用作表语,一般情况下不作定语。如:

① I’m glad to help you with your English. 我很高兴帮你学英语。


① Happy New Year! 新年好!

② I’ll be happy to meet him. 我将高兴地与他见面。

Ⅲ.pleased 意为:“对……感到满意/高兴”常与be连用,后面接介词with(sb), at(sth) 等引起的短语,或不定式;pleased 通常不作定语。如:

① He is pleased with his new job. 他对他的新工作很满意。

② She was very much pleased at the news. 她听到这个消息非常满意。

Ⅳ.merry 除“高兴”之外,还有耳目可以感到的“热闹”,一般只作定语。如:

Merry Christmas!祝圣诞节快乐!

13. go / walk

Ⅰ. go 指朝着一定地点的方向运动。如:

① We go to school at seven in the morning.

② Please go downstairs to have lunch.

③ 此外,go的主语还可以是动物、交通工具和机械等。如:

My watch goes fast.我的表走快了。

The train goes to Beijing. 火车开往北京。

Ⅱ. walk 指朝着一定地点或无目的地“走”,常译为“步行、散步”如:

① He often walks after supper. 饭后他经常散步。

② They are walking along the river. 他们正沿着河岸走。

③ Let’s go out for a walk. 我們出去散步吧。

14. go on with sth/ go on doing sth/

go on to do sth

Ⅰ. go on doing sth,“(停顿以后)继续做某事”;“不停地做某事”即做原来在做的事情。如:

① Now let’s go on writing. 我们继续往下写。

② It’s raining, but the farmers went on working( = kept on working) in the fields. 天在下雨,然而农民們还在地里我停地干活。

Ⅱ. go on with sth 表示:“间断后做原来没有做完的事”后面跟名词,不能接动词-ing 形式。如:

① After a rest, they went on with the work. 休息以后,他们继续劳动。

Ⅲ. go on to do sth. 指“接着做另一件事”,即接下来做与原来不同的事情。如:

① That’s all for the text. Now let’s go on to learn the grammer. 课文就到这里,现在我们接着学语法。

② He went on to show us how to translate the sentence in a different way. 他接着教我们如何用另一种方法翻译这个句子。

15. go to bed/ go to sleep/ sleep/ be(fall) asleep

Ⅰ. go to bed 指“就寝”, 只表示“上床去睡”这一动作,无“睡着”之意。是终止性动词。它的对应词 是get up “起床”

Ⅱ.in bed 表示一种状态,在句中常作表语,意为“躺在床上,睡着”。其中in不能用on 替换。

Ⅲ. go to sleep 与get to sleep 意义相近,也是终止性动词。即:“入睡、睡着”,强调进入梦乡的过程。“开始睡觉”,即:being to sleep.如:

① I don’t know when I went to sleep / got sleep last night. 我不知道我昨晚什么时候睡着的。

Ⅳ. fall asleep意为“睡着”表示一个动作的过程,侧重于“自然而然地入睡”,有时也含有“不想入睡而入睡”之意;be asleep“熟睡”,强调睡眠的状态,该短语在句中作谓语。

Ⅴ. sleep 可动词和名词,表“睡着”“睡眠”,是可持续性的动词。

Ⅵ. asleep 是表语形容词,不能作定语 如:

① The children are all asleep. 孩子们都睡着了。

② Are you asleep? 你睡着了吗?

16. good/ fine/ nice/ well

Ⅰ. good 是含义最广的形容词,表“好的质量”,“好的品质”。等意思。如:

① Lucy is a good girl.

② These eggs are good ( 指鲜人品质)。

Ⅱ. fine 侧重于“质量的精细”, “身体健康”,还可以表示“天气晴朗”等。如:

① This is a fine house.

② How are you? I’m fine, thank you.

③ It’s a fine day for walk. 这是一个散步的好天气。

Ⅲ. nice 指从外表上的“好看、漂亮”。取悦于人的感觉。也可指“(对人)友好和蔼”如:

① It’s a nice watch, but it’s not a good/fine one. 这块表看上去不错,但却不是一块好表。

② It’s very nice of you. 你真太好了。

③ They are nice mooncakes. 这都是美味的月饼。

Ⅳ. well 是副词。表干/做得“好”,修饰动词。也可作表语,指身体好。如:

① Well done! 干得好!

② I’m well. 我好了。

17. grow/ increase


① The population of the world is growing/increasing faster and faster. 世界人口增长越来越来快。


① The rice is growing fine. 水稻长势不错。


grow种植,在 如:

① Wheat is grown in north of China. 中国北方种植小麦。

increase增加、增长 如:

① They are working hard to increase production. 他们正在努力工作以增加产量。


①We are trying our best to slow down the population increase in China. 在中国我们正在尽全力降低人口数量的增长。

18. hand in/ turn in

Ⅰ. hand in “传递、交给”。指交作业等。如:

The teacher told them to hand in their exercise-books. 老师要他们交作业本。

Ⅱ. turn in “上交、交出”。指将某物归公。或交给上级或组织以便找到失主。一般也可与hand in 互换。如:

① You should turn in the money. 你应该把那钱上缴。

② You should turn in / hand in your finished homework.你们应该把完成的作业交上来。

19. hands up/ put up one's hand

Ⅰ. hands up 是一句祈使语气的口语,相当于Put up your arms over your head! “举起手来!”如:

① “Hands up, or I’ll shoot.” The policeman demanded the robber. “举起手来,不然我开枪了。”警察命令抢劫犯。

Ⅱ. put up one’s hand 意思与hands up 相同。但语气要弱得多。如:

① Who knows the answer? Hands up / Put up your hands, please. 谁知道这个答案?请举手。

② Put up your hands if you have any question.如有问题请举手。

20. happen/ take place/ occur


Ⅰ. happen 是普通用语,应用广泛,指事情的发生有直接原因或带有偶然性。

即:“(某人)发生了什么事——happen to sb”,或 “(某物)发生了什么情况——happen to sth”。其主语通常由 accident 或 类似it, what this , that , thing, something 等代词担任。还可表示“碰巧发生某事,——happen to do sth.”如:

① What has happened?


② What happened to you?


③ It happened through your

negligence. 这事的发生是由于你的疏忽。

④ He happened to be working. 他恰好正在工作。

⑤ I think it’s because I happened to like English. 我想这是因为我碰巧喜欢英语。

Ⅱ. take place 常指经过安排的事,无偶然之意。其主语常是表:“运动、活动、会议等”的名词。如:

① The Olympic Games take place every four years. 奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次。

② The May 4th Movement took place in 1919. 五四运动发生于一九一九年。

③ Great changes have taken place in our country since liberation.


Ⅲ. occur[ә'kә:] 常与happen 通用。但,是较为正式的用语。指在一定的时间内发生一定的事情。

① When did the accident occur?


② Don’t let the mistake occur again? 不要让这样的错误再次发生。

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