
今年6月21日是夏至(summer solstice),当日下午,一场十年一遇的“金边日环食”也震撼登场。



People in quite a few places in China witnessed on Sunday the most anticipated celestial event of the year, an annular solar eclipse.The entire eclipse lasted about three and a half hours, but its duration as it passed over individual locations was equal to around 90 seconds.6月21日,我国多地民众观赏到了最受期待的年度天文盛景“日环食”。整个“日环食”持续近三个半小时,不过在单个地点的持续时间约90秒。


日环食(annular solar eclipse)是日食(solar eclipse)的一种,发生时太阳的中心部分黑暗,边缘仍然明亮,形成光环。这是因为月球在太阳和地球之间,但是距离地球较远,不能完全遮住太阳而形成的(not close to the Earth enough to completely obscure the sun)。随着月球位置的移动,我们能观测到的日食还有日全食(total solar eclipse)和日偏食(partial solar eclipse)。

Solar源于希腊语,指“of,relating to,or proceeding from the sun”(和太阳有关的或从太阳发出的),其相关的表达如:solar calendar(阳历),solar heating system(太阳能加热系统)等。


作名词时,常用的搭配是in eclipse,如Fred was in eclipse, exiled to a small post in the south.(弗雷德失势了,被打发到南方去担任一个小差使。)作动词时常见be eclipsed by搭配,如:She is quite eclipsed by her clever younger sister.(在聪明的妹妹面前,她变得黯然失色。)

The annular eclipse crossed a path that started at sunrise in Africa and eventually moved across to China before ending at sunset over the Pacific Ocean.


In China, it was visible in central areas of the Tibet autonomous region and Sichuan province, northern areas of Guizhou province, central areas of Hunan province, southwestern regions of Jiangxi province, southern Fujian province and central areas of Taiwan.我国境内观测到日环食的地区有西藏、四川、贵州北部、湖南中部、江西西南部、福建南部、以及台湾中部地区。



日全食 total solar eclipse

日偏食 partial solar eclipse

月球近地点 the lunar perigee

椭圆轨道 elliptical orbit

流星雨 meteor shower

月食 lunar eclipse

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)


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