

Man can not read, but he can not do without knowing. He can never forget his roots if he is magnificent.



May you smile when you hear my name, and may you give me a hug when you see me.


Although life is so ugly, the way we smile is really beautiful. _


She leaned over the table and asked her deskmate, “Do you have anyone you like?” He said, “Yes.” She felt lost for a while, but pretended to be indifferent: “Who is it?” “Our class, guess?” She read the names of all the girls in the class, but he shook his head. She asked, “You shake your head when you’ve finished reading it.” He laughed softly. “Fool, are you sure you’ve finished reading it?” The girl turned her head shyly. He leaned over her ear and whispered, “There’s a man you don’t miss.”


Across the screen, there are so many likes and dislikes, but they are just the novelty of idle time.



Every time a quarrel happens, mother always says she wants to divorce and go back to her mother’s house. Until this time, my grandmother died, and my father came to pick me up to my hometown. When my father just drove the car on the high speed, he suddenly said to me, “We should not quarrel with my mother in the future, because she can’t talk back to my mother’s house anymore.”



You, like a big ridge, stubborn, also have to accept some arrangements, cut into strips, pain, wrap it up, confused, there is a trip in the frying pan, turn over, but the moment out of the pot, some fried ridge filled with salt and pepper, some will go back to the pot with sweet and sour sauce to roll over, no matter what strange shape you become later, but some people also You are the lovely little ridge. Maybe it’s love.



Although I can accomplish many things by myself, I still hope to have someone to share in my heart.没有谁天生是属于谁的,任何人来到你身边愿意为你停下脚步,都是一件值得珍惜的事。这世上什么东西都有个保质期, 没有比心存感激更好的保质方法, 爱是用心不是敷衍。

No one is born to whom, anyone who comes to you willing to stop for you, is a thing worth cherishing. Everything in the world has a shelf life. There is no better way to guarantee it than to be grateful. Love is about heart, not perfunctory.

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