
How many circles did the hour hand follow the minute hand day after day? I’m waiting for you quietly.



I hate being busy and lonely. I always stay up late, listening to songs by myself, thinking about what I have done. There is no one who loves me deeply. I don’t have bread or sake. Some are just brave. If one day I can’t hold up, red eyes stand in front of you and don’t talk, you don’t ask anything, take me away. It’s good to go anywhere.

我讨厌热闹也不喜欢孤独, 我总是熬夜,会一个人听着歌,想着自己做过的事,没有一个爱我爱到心里的人,我没有面包,也没有清酒,有的只是一腔孤勇。如果哪天我撑不住了,眼睛红红的站在你面前不说话,你也什么都别问,带我走,去哪里都好。

Life is only a few decades, the most important thing is to satisfy oneself, not to please others.


A relationship begins with “friend validation” and ends with “friend deletion”. Now the feelings are very cheap, just rely on a chat software, support all memories, you do not look for me, I do not look for you, and finally we are so scattered.

一段感情从“好友验证”开始,一段感情从“删除好友”结束。现在的感情好廉价 ,仅靠一个聊天软件,支撑所有回忆,你不找我,我不找你,最后我们就这样散了。

He doesn’t like you, no matter how close you are to him, he won’t care about you, just like the feeling that you are sleepy every night, but he hasn’t returned your message, you just keep looking at the screen until you fall asleep.



An awkward age, no childhood courage, young impulse, mature material. It melts those unrealistic assumptions and accepts many unsustainable facts. Always on the road, not yet finished.



How many grievances have you experienced before you have a good temper?



May someone accompany you, if not, may you be your own sun.


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