

Politeness and upbringing are not only meagre manners, but also considerate and considerate. They test not only emotional intelligence, but also your kindness.



No one can pull you into the dark.

任何一个人都不可以拿别人的外貌来开玩笑, 这是底线, 也是骨子里的教养。

No one can make fun of other people’s appearance, which is the bottom line and the inner cultivation.


If it stops, it’s the bottom; if it continues, it’s the uphill.

很多人问我“你喜欢什么样的男生”我会告诉他们“干净”的,其实女孩子欣赏且理解的“干净” 外表干净指的是领口 袖子 鞋子 手指甲 头发。生活干净指的是卫生 内裤 脚指甲 袜子 挂放衣服。内心干净指的是善意 礼貌 素质 绅士。

Many people ask me “what kind of boy do you like” and I will tell them “clean”. In fact, the “clean” appearance that girls appreciate and understand refers to the neckline, sleeve, shoes, fingernails and hair. Clean life refers to sanitary underwear, fingernails, socks and clothes. Inner cleanness refers to a kind and polite gentleman.



Kindness and love are free, but not cheap. Your kindness needs to be sharp. Your love needs to be rational and discerning. After all, not everyone deserves them.


身材不好就去锻炼 ,没钱就努力去赚, 别把窘境迁怒于别人 ,唯一可以抱怨的 ,只是不够努力的自己。

If you’re in a bad shape, exercise. If you don’t have money, try to make money. Don’t blame others for your embarrassment. The only thing you can complain about is yourself who doesn’t work hard enough.


不管是感情还是生活 ,见好久收 ,不行就撤。

No matter it’s love or life, if you can’t see it for a long time, you can quit.



“The poorer a person is in knowledge, the more he has an inexplicable sense of courage and pride. Because the poorer knowledge is, the more absolute what you believe. You have never heard the opposite view.”


不要为了谈恋爱而谈恋爱,不论怎么样,爱自己最重要,要分得清好感和爱 别爱对方太满,一定不要丢了自己。

Don’t fall in love for the sake of falling in love. No matter what, it’s most important to love yourself. Be clear about your good feelings and don’t love each other too much. Don’t lose yourself.

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