

If one day you walk too tired, as long as you turn around, my blessing is on your side, no matter how far you are, no matter how many years, turn the blessing into a blue star, twinkle in the morning, in the evening, in every day of your life.


There is light in the day, stars in the night, fish in the water, and birds in the sky. In this prosperous world, it is rare to have you. You have a bright future. The stars are vast. You go north to south, east to west, and I only look to you.



You have to live in two ways, light and no light. When it doesn’t shine, it’s all ready to shine. When you’re fighting alone at night, the stars are shining because of you.4.希望在纷扰的世界里,能给你心里的那丝宁静,找到一份慰藉,所有经历过的都不是可惜,错过的都不是遗憾,答案交给时间寻觅,未来不负时光所欺。

Hope that in the troubled world, can give you the peace in your heart, find a comfort, all experienced are not a pity, missed are not regret, the answer to time to find, the future will not live up to the deception of time.


In fact, even if you miss the sunset, you should not feel upset, because everything is the best arrangement. Maybe you can look forward to the stars all over the sky. Everything is the same. Sometimes losing something may be just another good start.


The strongest wine in the world is the tenderness with your head bowed and smiling. Even if the stars are broken, the light overflowing is also very beautiful. May the flowers bloom here and meet again as before. It’s because of your heart that you have lived in this world for a long time.

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