
1.十七岁的贺知书 满身茉莉花香和无尽的温柔 三十岁的贺知书 只剩下满身的烟火味和无尽的绝望.这个世界疯狂,没人性,腐败。你却一直清醒,温柔,一尘不染。

17-year-old he Zhishu is full of jasmine fragrance and endless tenderness, and 30-year-old he Zhishu only has the smell of fireworks and endless despair. The world is crazy, inhuman and corrupt. You’ve been awake, gentle, spotless.


Later, many people asked me how I felt when I was wandering on the road at night. What I remembered was not loneliness and the length of the road, but the shining stars in the magnificent sea and sky. If you visit me and I’m not in, please sit with the flowers outside my door for a while. They are very warm.



I don’t want to be strong. I just want to be that kind of girl. No matter how much injustice and pain I’ve experienced, I will live with my brow open, and my heart will be rich and peaceful, and my character will be clear and open-minded. Occasionally affectation but not affectation, venomous tongue is not acrimonious, do not complain, not bitter hatred. Be sincere to everyone, enthusiastic about everything, and believe that everything in the world will gradually get better.


“You, don’t care about the soul any more. It’s a matter of the gods. All you can do is to love time, miss your mother, be quiet and be as innocent as morning.


All my conceit comes from my inferiority complex, all my heroism comes from my inner weakness, and all my eloquence comes from my doubts. I pretended to be ruthless, but actually I hated my deep feelings. I think the meaning of life lies in wandering around. In fact, it’s just a cover up that I haven’t found a place to stop.


6. Later you will think of those days when the sun was just right down, and the wind and rain didn’t give up. The mood is exquisite, murmurs, smile incomparably sincere. Count those moments, love the people you love the most, have the most frivolous dream, the heart will not be trapped, the river and lake is also gentle.

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