



1. absent adj. 缺席的 → adj.茫然的;恍惚的

She looked at the picture in an absent (茫然的) way.

2. address n.地址 v. 写地址 → vt. 对······发表演说

He addressed an audience of 10000 supporters.

3. against prep. 逆着;反对;倚;靠;碰 → prep. 以······为背景

The picture looks nice against (以······为背景) the white wall.

4.blank adj.空白的 n.空白 → adj. 没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的

The stranger returned my greeting with a blank (没表情的) look.

5. blue adj. 蓝色的 n.蓝色 → adj.忧伤的

His songs always make me feel blue(忧伤的).

6. cloudy adj.阴的;多云的 → adj.不明朗的;不清晰的

Who will take his place still remains cloudy (不明朗的).

7. course n.课程;过程 → n. 一道菜

The courses (菜肴) vary with seasons.

8. cross v.跨越;横穿n.十字架 → adj.生气的

Don’t be cross (生气的) with him — after all he is a child.

9. drive v.驾驶→ v. 迫使 (某人做不好的事)

Hunger drove (迫使) her to steal.

10. express v.表达→ n.快车

Is there an express(快车) from Nanjing to Shanghai?

11. encourage vt. 鼓励;激励 → v. 促进;助长;刺激

Good health encourages (促进) clear thinking.

12.escape v.逃跑;逃脱 → v.被忘掉;被忽视

The name escapes (被忘掉) me for the moment.

13.explode v.爆炸;爆裂 → v.勃然大怒;大发雷霆

I’m about to explode (勃然大怒)!He broke his promise again.

14.fail vi.失败→ vi. (健康)衰退;变弱

William found it increasingly difficult to read for his eyesight was beginning to fail (变弱).

15.foreign adj.外国的;外交的 → adj.不熟悉的

The subject is foreign (不熟悉的) to all of us.

16.freeze vi.结冰;(使)冻结 → v.惊呆;吓呆

Grandfather froze (吓呆) in fear. Was he going to lose his job?

17.ground n.地面→ n.理由

He has strong grounds (理由) for more money.

18.hit v.击中;打击 → n. 成功;红极一时的人或事

Tuhao is quite a hit (风行一时的事物) of this year.

19.ill adj. 生病的 → adj./ adv. 坏的 / 地

It’s no good speaking ill (坏地) of others.

She had brought ill (坏的) luck into her family.

20.jump v.& n.跳 → n.& v.大幅度上涨

Last week the price of goods jumped (大幅度上涨).

21.last adj. 最后的 → adj. 最不可能的

He is the last (最不可能的) man I want to see.

22.nurse n.护士,保姆 → v. 看护;照料(病人或伤者)

For two days he was nursed (照料) by his mother.

23.open v.开 adj.开着的;打开的 → adj. (问题、议事等)未解决的

They left the matter open (未解决的).

24.promise v.& n.许诺 → v. 有······的希望;使······有可能

The dark clouds promise (使······有可能) rain.

25.read v.阅读 → v.理解;领会

I didn’t read (领会) mother’s thoughts at that time.

26.solid adj.固定的,坚硬的 → adj.可靠的;可信赖的

The research lacks solid (可靠的) evidence and therefore its conclusions are doubtful.

27.taste v.品尝;尝出······味道 → n. 味道;鉴赏力;爱好

While she was in Paris she developed a taste (爱好) for fine art.

28.treat vt. 以······态度对待 → vt. 治疗;医治 v.& n. 款待;招待

The doctor is skilled at treating (治疗) heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients so he has a very good reputation.

Let’s go out for lunch — my treat (款待).

29.walk v.& n.行走;步行→ n.行业

This society welcomes people from all walks (行业) of life.

30.wear v.穿;戴 → v. 面带;流露;留(发、须等)

I can still remember he was always wearing (面带) a smile and willing to help.


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